This is Snoopy!

Edinburgh University Gliding Club

Training with EUGC

Pete giving a talk on glider repair and construction

EUGC works hard to train our pilots to the highest level of skill. We have created a long line of high performance pilots who have achieved amazing feats and competed at a national level.

We train everyone from ab initio pilots, right through to those wishing to become instructors or compete across the UK. So whatever your level, we'll have a training stream that suits you.

Going Solo

The first major goal of all glider pilots. We'll train you practically in our two-seater training aircraft and theoretically in our Ground School until our instructors feel you're ready to go. Going solo is an exciting part of your gliding career and once you've got the bug it won't be long until you're begging to do your Cross Country endorsement and Field Landing checks so you can sailplane away into the distance at your very whim...

Bronze, Silver, Gold & Diamond Badges

Going solo isn't the top prize in gliding, it's just the first step. Once you've got your wings it's time to start working on your Bronze, Silver, Gold and Diamond badges. Each of these badges has a height, distance and duration element, that requires increasing levels of skill and determination to achieve. Amongst our ranks we have pilots of all stages and give as much support as we can to help them to improve.

Instructor Ratings

EUGC has helped many pilots gain instructor qualifications. In the past we've offered financial support as well as extra training for future instructors.

If you're interested in becoming an instructor then you need to go solo, get your silver badge, build up your hours and have a chat with Andy or Bruce who'll give you the inside scoop.

Ground School 2015-16

The secret of a good sermon is to have a good beginning and a good ending, then having the two as close together as possible. - George Burns

The best way to learn to fly is by flying, and most of what you need to know to pilot a glider can be learnt in the air. However, some things are easier to explain on the ground with the help of a whiteboard and some group discussion (swiftly followed by a trip to the pub to mull it over!)

As well as talks on basic piloting skills and techniques, the talks cover many of the different aspects of the sport, such as flying in other countries, cross-country flying, and aerobatics. We also offer a few more technical talks on topics such as the mechanics of flight and weather — although you can pilot a glider with relatively little technical knowledge, so don't be put off by tricky sounding subjects!

We'll shortly be announcing the details of this year's talks. Stay Tuned!

To aid you in the general learning process, we have a modest selection of books in our distributed library.

The SGU hold their own talks programme on Friday evenings during the winter. If you're camping overnight they might be worth a visit, but we'll attempt to cover roughly the same material in our own talks.